The House Museum is the space where the whole legacy of Manuel Maria is housed and at the same time, the headquarters of the Foundation. It was inaugurated on September 7, 2013. It is conceived as a physical space to house the library, manuscripts, personal belongings or any other facts related to Manuel Maria and also serves as a reference to publicize his work and figure among the Galician people, especially among the younger generations.
1. It meant the restoration of a house that the prototype of the Terra Chá house. For that the project included the correction of some of the additions that had been made to the house over time. Thus, visitors will approach not only one of the most important figures of Galician literature, but also an interesting example of the rich artistic and cultural heritage of the plain from Lugo.
2. The funds hosted by the Museum are of great significance and uniqueness which gives it an unquestionable relevance. Indicatively we list the following:
a) A very important art collection, which includes works by Castelao, Urban Lugrís, Carlos Maside, Laxeiro, Luis Seoane, Sucasas, Alfonso Abelenda, Manuel Torres, Blas Loures, Felipe-Senen, Raimundo Patiño, Xavier Posa, Argüelles, Balboa, Diaz Pardo, Gil Castro …
b) a LIBRARY containing one of the best private collections of Galician books or book about Galicia from the postwar period to the present.
c) Many manuscripts documents relevant people of Galician culture with whom Manuel María kept close relationship: Pedrayo Otero Celso Emilio Ferreiro, Ramón Piñeiro, Francisco Fernandez del Riego …
d) Different collections of Manuel Maria personal belongings that serve to decorate the house itself.
e) Conventional elements of the Museum Houses that approach the work and the figure it references.
3. It means also a service for the residents of Outeiro de Rei and its surroundings, since they have now a cultural infrastructure in the center of the town, with a very unique auditorium with a capacity of about 100 people where you can celebrate not only the activities of the Foundation but also those scheduled by other public and private entities